Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Geeky Love Story:Pick Up Game:Picking Up More Than a Game!

Thanks to geekdom, I finally found love, after looking for it for a VERY LONG time!!

In 2005 I went to Star Wars Celebration Day not knowing then, that my destined geeky soulmate was also there. I am sure we passed each other at some point during the day or was in the same room at some point, but it wouldn't be our destiny to meet then. Flash Forward to Aug 2008! Thanks to Braelun (you know who you are) a geek I met in the hallways of the Embassy during the gaming con, Gencon, I had learned about a free winter gaming con called Whosyercon!

I had been planning for the months that followed, to attend Whosyercon! I was active on the boards and made some friends on them, and at the convention Gencon, the year before.

Flash Forward to March 13 2009. I arrived at the Hilton ready to get my game on at Whosyercon. After playing Red Dragon Inn with "Conspiracy of One." I had to leave to get a charger for my dead phone. When I got back I had a few hours to kill until my Run for Your Life Candyman being run by Ladyflame. So I did what most gamers do when killing time between games, I started a pick up game! I had with me Cineplexity which I learned the year before at Gencon. I had bought it, but I had not got the chance to play a full game of it, so I wanted to play it then. What do you do during a pick up game? You look around to see other lost bored souls waiting for something fun to do. In walks this guy in a black leather jacket looking around the room and looking like he needed something to do. I walked up to him and asked him if he wanted to play a game with me. I asked the guy standing next to him to play also. For some reason I thought they came in together and were friends. Well that guy said no, but the guy in the cool leather jacket said yes! We found some others to play with us and after the game was over, I was heading to the hotel restaurant to grab a bite. The guy in the black leather jacket, whose name I learned was Peter, decided he wanted to join me! Of course I never thought anything of it at the time. After all, no good looking sweet guy ever paid attention to me in the past, and if I liked someone they always ended up having a girl friend or were married. So I said to myself, why get my hopes up? Of all the guys I saw in the game room that day, Pete was the one who caught my eye. Maybe it was the jacket. I like black leather jackets!! We had a geeky conversation at dinner that night about all the geeky shows and movies we loved from the 80's! (Then, he thought I was some cool young geeky retro chick thinking I would be too young and not interested in him and he had no chance. He thought I was 20 or so, until he found out I was actually a year and a half older than him! Maybe it's my hobbity size!!) Maybe that was it!! I don't know. After dinner Peter pretty much stuck with me and we both played Are You a Werewolf for the first time til the wee hours of the morning.

The next day I was kinda sad not to see Pete. I figured my luck, I will never see him again. Later that afternoon he found the game I was running and joined in.I never was so happy to see someone walk into a room! We pretty much hung out the rest of that day too, gaming together except for when I had to play Apples Apples with Blue Max, and there wasn't room for Pete. We made up the lost time though, we played Are You a Werewolf (which for the first time, don't ask me why, I noticed just how tall he actually was!!!) til late and then stayed up pretty much all night playing games together. Before we knew it was morning! After the mini church service I was helping run, we played games til it was time to leave. We exchanged phone numbers and emails and when I got home he had already added me to Facebook! A few days later I called him for the first time and we started texting all the time and talking online each night, the rest is history!! We started officially dating that May. Since the weekend we met, we managed to see each other at least once a week, never missing a week without seeing each other, even though we lived 70 miles apart, right up until this April when I moved in!!

Soooo thankful to Pat for sending Pete that email telling him about Whosyercon!!! Oh I never told ya? Pete learned about Whosyercon the day of it when his friend Pat sent him an email telling him about this cool free gaming convention! Are we destined to be together or what??

I remember meeting a couple at Whosyercon while playing Are You a werewolf, and hearing how they met at a Gencon and they were together 3 years and getting married that year. I thought to myself, if only I could have a story like that!! Also met another geeky couple playing AYAW and I thought to myself, I would so love to play that game with an SO! Little did I know a year later at that same con I would get to!

Happy Geek/Nerd Pride Day baby! I love you!

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